Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fiat's old manufacturing plant

Fiat has been producing cars since 1900. They are one of the largest manufacturers still to this day. Recently they purchased Chrysler motors and will be cross breeding the two brands. Yesterday I got to stand atop one of their old manufacturing plants. Raw stock would be dropped off at the bottom of the plant and finished cars would be tested on the roof!

Ferrari Plant

So today was another boring day at another car manufacturer...just kidding...

Today was very cool. I got a tour of the Ferrari plant and got to walk through their museum. Learned that you have to wait 2 years after ordering a Ferrari until you can take it home! While you wait you'll have a die-cast model of your car to hold and dream with.

Less is more

This here is the quarter ton pick-up sold in italy...it weighs a quarter ton. I can't prove that but it looks like it weighs only 500lbs!

I'm off to continue exploring bologna Italy!